Spring 2025

Course Information

Course MATH 3150 · Real Analysis
Instructor Alex Suciu · a.suciu@northeastern.edu
Teaching AssistantZhaoming Li · li.zhaom@northeastern.edu
Place and TimeMonday & Wednesday 2:50 pm–4:30 pm in 113 Hastings Suite
Office 435 LA – Lake Hall
Office Hours Monday & Wednesday 1:30 pm–2:30 pm in 435LA (Alex Suciu)
Tuesday 9 am–11 am in 542 NI (Zhaoming Li)
Prerequisites MATH 2321 (Calculus 3 for Science and Engineering) and MATH 2331 (Linear Algebra)
Textbook Elementary Analysis, Kenneth A. Ross, Springer Verlag, Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics, 2013. Solutions to exercises are available here.
Course Description This course will provide the theoretical underpinnings of calculus and the advanced study of functions. Emphasis will be on precise definitions and rigorous proof. Topics include the real numbers and completeness; limits and convergence; continuity, uniform continuity, and differentiability; power series and Taylor series; the Riemann integral and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
ScheduleSchedule of topics, assignments, and midterm test
GradeBased on homework (40%), midterm test (20%), and final exam (40%). Your numerical average will be converted to a letter grade as follows: A: 93–100, A-: 90–92, B+: 87–89, B: 83–86, B-: 80–82, C+: 77–79, C: 73–76, C-: 70–72, D+: 67–69, D: 63–66, D-: 60–62, F: 0–59.
HomeworkHomework is an essential component of the course and makes up 40% of the course grade. The problem sets will be posted biweekly on Thursdays, both on Canvas and here, and will be due via file upload to Canvas. You will have one week to work on each problem set and submit your work. The submission system will close after the deadline; no late assignments will be accepted. The submission system only accepts pdf files, and assignments will be required to be typeset using LaTeX. There are several online resources for getting started with LaTeX, and Northeastern has a campus-wide Overleaf license. It is expected that you will work on the problem sets together; however, they must be written up separately and reflect individual understanding.
ExamsThere will be one in-class midterm exam during the semester, worth 20% of the course grade. The midterm will cover roughly (and subject to change) Sections §1 through §25 from the textbook. The 2-hour cumulative final exam will count as 40% of the final grade in this course. Having two finals at the same time or three finals in one day is the only University-recognized legitimate reason to be excused from taking the final at the scheduled time. Students with such a conflict should complete a final exam conflict form, available on the registrar’s website. Please do not make travel plans that conflict with the final exam. The specific date/time for the final exam (April 17–25) is set by the University’s Registrar.
Attendance PoliciesStudents are expected to attend every lecture. This class moves very fast, and the best way to increase your chances of doing well is to stay on top of the material. It is the students responsibility to stay up to date on announcements, deadlines and changes to the course. In the rare event that a student misses an assignment or exam due to a documented university sanctioned absence or religious observance, the student will be given a makeup. Otherwise, accommodations will be given rarely and only at the instructor’s discretion.
Incomplete GradesAs a matter of Department of Mathematics policy, the I grade (incomplete) will be given only rarely. It is intended to cover emergency situations in which a student who is doing reasonably well (C- or better) is unable, due to circumstances beyond the student’s control, to complete all course requirements (e.g., is unable to take the final exam due to hospitalization). An I grade may not be used to rescue a failing grade, or to postpone the final.

Homework Assignments


  • Review session for the Midterm Exam: Tuesday, February 25 from 5:45pm to 7:45pm in 509 Lake Hall
  • Notes for Midterm Exam, Midterm Exam, with solutions
  • Review session for the Final Exam: TBA.
  • Final Exam: Friday, April 18 from 3:30pm to 5:30pm in 460 Ryder Hall

Class Materials

Fall 2024
Fall 2023
Fall 2022
Fall 2016
Fall 2014