Spring 2017

Course Information

CourseMATH 7321 · Topology 3
InstructorAlex Suciu
Course Web Sitehttps://suciu.sites.northeastern.edu/courses/math7321-spring2017/
Time and PlaceTuesday & Thursday 4:10–5:40pm in 544 NI
Office435 LA – Lake Hall
Office HoursTuesday & Thursday 3:00–4:00pm in 435 LA
Prerequisites:MATH 7221 – Topology 2

Course Description

This is a course in classical Algebraic Topology, and some of its applications. Topics we may cover include: Higher homotopy groups, cofibrations, fibrations, fiber bundles, homotopy sequences, homotopy groups of Lie groups and associated manifolds, cellular approximation, Hurewicz theorem, Whitehead theorem, Eilenberg-MacLane spaces, obstruction theory, Postnikov towers, H-spaces and Hopf algebras, Bockstein homomorphism, Poincaré-Lefschetz duality, Alexander duality, Euler class, Gysin sequence, cobordism, intersection form, signature, plumbing, cohomology of fiber bundles, classifying spaces, characteristic classes, spectral sequences, Steenrod squares.

We will cover material selected from the following textbooks:
Here are some other useful references, and material for further reading:

Homework assignments

  • Homework 1: Hatcher, Chapter 3.3, pp. 257-259: Problems 2, 3&4, 5, 6, 10, 24. Due January 19. 
  • Homework 2: Hatcher, Chapter 3.3, pp. 258-260: Problems 7&9, 25, 26, 28, 29, 32&33. Due February 2. 
  • Homework 3: Due February 16. 
  • Homework 4: Hatcher, Chapter 4.1, p. 358, Problem 17; Chapter 4.2, p. 392, Problem 34; Chapter 4.G, p. 460, Problem 1; Chapter 4.H, p. 466, Problems 1, 2; Chapter 4.I, p. 469, Problem 1. Due March 2. 
  • Homework 5: Due April 4. 
  • Homework 6: Due April 25.

Class Materials