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Nancy Abdallah

Nancy Abdallah and Hal Schenck

Tetsuya Abe and Motoo Tange

Karim Adiprasito

Rodolfo Aguilar Aguilar

Leonardo Aguirre

Hana’ M. Ali

Hana’ M. Ali and Abid Ali Al-Ta’ai

Abdulsatar Al-Juburie

David Allen

Kisnney AlmeidaIgor Lima, and Oscar Ocampo

  • Subgroup separability of surface braid groups and virtual braid groups, arXiv:2310.00478

Ayah Almousa, Victor Reiner, and Sheila Sundaram

Juan Alonso, Juan Manuel Burgos, Miguel Paternain

Hannah AlpertAlexey Balitskiy, and Larry Guth

Ali Al-Raisi

Ayse Altintas and Celal Cem Sarioglu

  • Problem session, in: Arrangements, local systems and singularities, 283-319, Progress in Math., vol. 283, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2010.

Juan Carlos Álvarez Paiva

  • Dual mixed volumes and isosystolic inequalities, math/0408415.

Víctor Álvarez Solano, José Andrés Armario Sampalo, María Dolores Frau García, and Pedro Real Jurado

Khaled Alzobydi and Graham Ellis

Steven Amelotte, William Hornslien, and Lewis Stanton

Omid Amini and Matthieu Piquerez

Meirav Amram

Meirav AmramMoshe CohenHao SunMina TeicherFei Ye, and Anna Zarkh

Meirav AmramMoshe CohenMina Teicher, and Fei Ye

  • Moduli spaces of ten-line arrangements with double and triple points, arXiv:1306.6105.

Meirav AmramCheng GongMina Teicher, and Wan-Yuan Xu

Meirav AmramEran Lieberman, Sheng-Li Tan, Mina Teicher, and Xiao-Hang Wu

  • Moduli spaces of arrangements of 12 projective lines with a sextic point, arxiv:2401.00821

Meirav AmramPraveen Kumar Roy, and Uriel Sinichkin

  • Fundamental groups of highly symmetrical curves and Fermat line arrangements, arXiv:2310.04365.

Meirav Amram and Mina Teicher

Meirav AmramMina Teicher, and Fei Ye

Meirav AmramMina Teicher, and Muhammed Uludag

Byung Hee AnGabriel C. Drummond-Cole, and Ben Knudsen

Cristina Ana-Maria Anghel

Marian AproduGavril FarkasClaudiu Raicu, and Jerzy Weyman

Marian AproduGavril FarkasStefan Papadima, Claudiu Raicu, and Jerzy Weyman

Donu Arapura

Donu ArapuraAlexandru Dimca, and Richard Hain

Enrique Artal Bartolo

Enrique Artal BartoloJorge Carmona Ruber, and José Ignacio Cogolludo-Agustín

Enrique ArtalJorge CarmonaJosé Ignacio Cogolludo-AgustínMario EscarioJavier Fernández de BobadillaIgnacio Luengo, and Alejandro Melle

Enrique Artal BartoloJorge Carmona RuberJosé Ignacio Cogolludo-Agustín, and Miguel Ángel Marco Buzunáriz

Enrique Artal BartoloJosé Ignacio Cogolludo-AgustínBenoît Guerville-Ballé, and Miguel Ángel Marco Buzunáriz

Enrique Artal BartoloJosé Ignacio Cogolludo, and Anatoly Libgober

Enrique Artal BartoloJosé Ignacio CogolludoSantiago López de Medrano, and Daniel Matei

Enrique Artal BartoloJosé Ignacio Cogolludo, and Daniel Matei

Enrique Artal BartoloJosé Ignacio Cogolludo, and Jorge Ortigas-Galindo

Enrique Artal BartoloJosé Ignacio Cogolludo, and Hiro-o Tokunaga

Enrique Artal BartoloVincent Florens, and Benoît Guerville-Ballé

Enrique Artal BartoloBenoît Guerville, and Miguel Ángel Marco Buzunáriz

Enrique Artal BartoloBenoît Guerville, and Juan Viu-Sos

Garun ArunkumarDeniz Kus, and R. Venkatesh

Fred Asante-Mensa

  • A note on homotopy, Journal of Mathematical Acumen and Research, 2 (2017), no. 1, 1–5.

Matthias Aschenbrenner and Stefan Friedl

Matthias AschenbrennerStefan Friedl, and Henry Wilton

Luis AsteyAnthony BahriMartin BenderskyFrederick R. CohenDonald M. DavisSam GitlerMark MahowaldNigel Ray, and Reg Wood

Hanine Awada and Marco Golla

  • Alexander polynomials of symplectic curves and divisibility relations, arXiv:2412.15792.


Ivan K. Babenko

Ivan K. Babenko and Mikhail G. Katz

Roland Bacher and David Garber

Anthony BahriMartin Bendersky, and Frederick R. Cohen

Anthony BahriMartin BenderskyFrederick R. Cohen, and Sam Gitler

Pauline Bailet

Pauline Bailet and Simona Settepanella

Pauline Bailet and Masahiko Yoshinaga

Victor Bangert and Mikhail G. Katz

Djordje BaralicJelena GrbicIvan Limonchenko, and Aleksandar Vui

Enrique Miguel BarquineroLorenzo Ruffoni, and Kaidi Ye

Laurent BartholdiBettina Eick, and René Hartung

Laurent BartholdiBenjamin EnriquezPavel Etingof, and Eric Rains

Laurent BartholdiHenrika Härer, and Thomas Schick

Jeremiah Bartz

Jeremiah Bartz and Sergey Yuzvinsky

  • Multinets in P2, in Bridging algebra, geometry, and topology, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, vol. 96, 2014, pp. 21–35. MR 3297107

Yuliy Baryshnikov and Boris Shapiro

Alp Bassa and Ali Ulas Ozgur Kisisel

Daniel Bath

Ekkehard Batzies

Gilbert Baumslag

  • Parafree groups, in: Infinite groups: geometric, combinatorial and dynamical aspects, 1–14, Progress in Math., vol. 248, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2005. MR 2006j:20039

Piotr Beben and Jelena Grbić

Erik Bédos and Tron Omland

  • On reduced twisted group C*-algebras that are simple and/or have a unique trace, arXiv:1606.02637v2

Paolo Bellingeri and Arnaud Bodin

Paolo BellingeriJohn Guaschi, and Stavroula Makri

Barbu Berceanu and Zaffar Iqbal

Barbu BerceanuDaniela Anca MacinicStefan Papadima, and Clement Radu Popescu

Marcel Berger

Alexander Berglund

Christin Bibby

Christin BibbyGraham Denham, and Eva Maria Feichtner

Christin Bibby and Nir Gadish

Kyle Binder and Eric Katz

Indranil Biswas and Mahan Mj

Indranil BiswasMahan Mj, and Dishant Pancholi

Indranil BiswasMahan Mj, and Harish Seshadri

Sarah Blackwell

Sarah BlackwellRobion KirbyMichael KlugVincent Longo, and Benjamin Ruppik

  • A group-theoretic framework for low-dimensional topology,  Algebraic & Geometric Topology (to appear), arXiv:2301.05685.

Rubén Blasco-García

Rubén Blasco-García and José Ignacio Cogolludo-Agustín

Simone Blumer

Simone BlumerAlberto Cassella, and  Claudio Quadrelli

Simone Blumer,  Claudio Quadrelli, and Thomas Weigel

Alessio Borzi and Ivan Martino

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Frédéric Bosio and Laurent Meersseman

Guy Boyde and Niall Taggart

Lukas Braun

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Corey Bregman

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Martin R. BridsonJames HowieCharles F. Miller III, and Hamish Short

Martin R. Bridson and Claudio Llosa Isenrich

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Gunnar Brinkmann and Brendan McKay

Michael K. Brown and Daniel Erman

Ronald Brown

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Ronald BrownPhilip J. Higgins, and Rafael Sivera

Michael Brunnbauer

Peter Bubenik and Leah Gold

Victor Buchstaber

Victor BuchstaberNikolay ErokhovetsMikiya MasudaTaras Panov, and Seonjeong Park

Victor Buchstaber and Ivan Limonchenko

Victor Buchstaber and Taras Panov

Victor Buchstaber and Nigel Ray

Nero Budur

Nero BudurAlexandru Dimca, and Morihiko Saito

Nero Budur and Yongqiang Liu

Nero BudurYongqiang Liu, and Botong Wang

Nero BudurMircea Mustata, and Zach Teitler

Nero Budur and Marcel Rubió

Nero Budur and Morihiko Saito

Nero BudurMorihiko Saito, and Sergey Yuzvinsky

Nero Budur and Botong Wang

Urtzi BuijsYves FélixAniceto Murillo, and Daniel Tanré

Urtzi Buijs and José M. Moreno-Fernández

Dmitri BuragoYuri Burago, and Sergei Ivanov

Gerhard Burde and Heiner Zieschang

  • Knots, de Gruyter Studies in Math., vol. 5, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin-New York, 1985. MR 87b:57004
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Marc Burger

Boris Burshteyn and Alexander Volberg

Michael Byrd


William Arthur Cadegan-Schlieper

Patricia CahnGordana Matic, and Benjamin Ruppik

  • Algorithms for computing invariants of trisected branched covers, arXiv:2308.11689

Li Cai

Li Cai and Suyoung Choi

Li CaiSuyoung Choi, and Hanchul Park

Alberto CalabriCiro CilibertoFlaminio Flamini, and Rick Miranda

Damien Calaque and Martin Gonzalez

Filippo Callegaro

Filippo CallegaroMichele D’AdderioEmanuele DelucchiLuca Migliorini, and Roberto Pagaria

Filippo CallegaroDavide Moroni, and Mario Salvetti

Filippo Callegaro and Mario Salvetti

Xiangyu Cao and Zhi Lü

Luigi Caputi, Daniele Celoria, and Carlo Collari

J. Scott CarterSeiichi Kamada, and Masahiko Saito

J. Scott Carter and Masahiko Saito

Montserrat Casals-Ruiz, Ilya Kazachkov, and Mallika Roy

  • Presentation of kernels of rational characters of right-angled Artin groups, arXiv:2409.06315.

Alberto Cassella and Claudio Quadrelli

Bren CavalloJordi DelgadoDelaram Kahrobaei, and Enric Ventura

Paulo Cesar Cerqueira Dos Santos Júnior and Oscar Ocampo

Esra Kirmizi Cetinalp

Esra Kirmizi Cetinalp and Eylem Guzel Karpuz

Ahmet Sinan CevikEylem Guzel Karpuz, and Firat Ates

Yu-Chan Chang

Yu-Chan Chang and Lorenzo Ruffoni

Ruth Charney

Haimiao Chen

Junda Chen

  • Orbit configuration space of standard action and cellular methods of poset, arXiv:2110.13574.

Lizhi Chen

Lizhi Chen and Weiping Li

  • Systoles of surfaces and 3-manifolds, in: Geometry and topology of submanifolds and currents, pp. 61–80, Contemp. Math., vol. 646, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2015. MR 3384974

Xiaoyang Chen

Tymoteusz Chmiel

Soojin ChoSuyoung Choi, and Shizuo Kaji

Suyoung ChoiShizuo Kaji, and Hanchul Park

Suyoung ChoiShizuo Kaji, and Stephen Theriault

Suyoung ChoiMikiya Masuda, and Sang-il Oum

Suyoung ChoiBoram Park, and Hanchul Park

Suyoung Choi and Hanchul Park

Suyoung Choi and Younghan Yoon

Suyoung ChoiYounghan Yoon, and Seonghyeon Yu

  • The Betti numbers of real toric varieties associated to Weyl chambers of types E7 and E8arXiv:2304.07564.

Alla Ditta Raza ChoudaryAlexandru Dimca, and Stefan Papadima

Moody T. Chu and Matthew M. Lin

Thomas Church and Andrew Putman

Thomas ChurchMikhail Ershov, and Andrew Putman

Benoît Claudon

  • Remarques sur la cohomologie des groupes kählériens nilpotents, arXiv:0906.2606

Tim Cochran and Shelly Harvey

Tim CochranShelly Harvey, and Peter D. Horn

José Ignacio Cogolludo-Agustín

José Ignacio Cogolludo-Agustín, and Eva Elduque

José Ignacio Cogolludo-Agustín and Daniel Matei

Daniel C. Cohen

Daniel C. CohenFrederick R. Cohen, and Stratos Prassidis

Daniel C. CohenFrederick R. Cohen, and Miguel Xicoténcatl

Daniel C. CohenArmindo CostaMichael Farber, and Thomas Kappeler

Daniel C. CohenGraham DenhamMichael Falk, and Alexander N. Varchenko

Daniel C. CohenAlexandru Dimca, and Peter Orlik

Daniel C. Cohen and Michael Falk

Daniel C. CohenMichael Falk, and Richard Randell

Daniel C. Cohen and Michael Farber

Daniel C. Cohen and Peter Orlik

Daniel C. Cohen and Goderdzi Pruidze

Daniel C. Cohen and Henry K. Schenck

Daniel C. Cohen and Lucile Vandembroucq

Daniel C. Cohen and Alexander N. Varchenko

Frederick R. Cohen

Frederick R. CohenToshitake Kohno, and Miguel Xicoténcatl

Frederick R. Cohen and Jonathan Pakianathan

Moshe Cohen and Baian Liu

  • Moduli spaces of one-line extensions of (103) configurations, arXiv:2208.12293.

Alberto Collino

Uroš A. Colović, Branislav I. Prvulović, and Marko Radovanović

Andrew Conner and Peter Goetz

Anthony Conway

David Cook IIBrian HarbourneJuan Migliore, and Uwe Nagel

Raul Cordovil

Kevin Corlette and Carlos T. Simpson

Christopher B. Croke and Mikhail G. Katz

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Xiu Peng CuiDong He Pei, and Rui Mei Gao


Irving Dai and Maggie Miller

Celeste Damiani

Celeste Damiani and Seiichi Kamada

Jim Damon

Jeremy Daniel

Hailong Dao and Alessandro De Stefani

Jacques Darné

Jacques DarnéMartin Palmer, and Arthur Soulié

  • When the lower central series stops: a comprehensive study for braid groups and their relatives, Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. (to appear),  arXiv:2201.03542

Pablo Dartnell

Ronno Das

Shouman Das

Navnath Daundkar and Priyavrat Deshpande

Michael W. Davis

Michael W. Davis and Matthew Kahle

Michael W. DavisGiang Le, and Kevin Schreve

Michael W. Davis and Boris Okun

Michael W. Davis and Simona Settepanella

Géry Debongnie

Corrado De Concini and Giovanni Gaiffi

Karel DekimpeDaciberg Lima Gonçalves, and Oscar Ocampo

Jordi Delgado Rodriguez

Emanuele Delucchi

Emanuele Delucchi and Michael Falk

Emanuele Delucchi and Roberto Pagaria

Thomas Delzant and Pierre Py

Graham Denham

Graham DenhamMehdi Garrousian, and Stefan Tohaneanu

Graham Denham and Philip Hanlon

Graham Denham and Mathias Schulze

Priyavrat Deshpande and Mallika Roy

Michael Dettweiler and Mirjam Jöllenbeck

Jason DeVitoFernando Galaz-Garcia, and Martin Kerin

Angelo Di Pasquale

Alexandru Dimca

Alexandru DimcaRichard Hain, and Stefan Papadima

Alexandru DimcaDenis Ibadula, and Daniela Anca Macinic

Alexandru Dimca and Laurentiu Maxim

Alexandru Dimca and András Némethi

  • Hypersurface complements, Alexander modules and monodromy, in: Real and complex singularities, Contemp. Math., vol. 354, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2004, pp. 19–43. math/0201291MR 2005h:32076.

Alexandru Dimca and Stefan Papadima

Alexandru Dimca and Morihiko Saito

Alexandru Dimca and Gabriel Sticlaru

Alexandru Dimca and Sergey Yuzvinsky

Thi Anh Thu Dinh

Natalia Dobrinskaya

Simon Donaldson

Theo DouvropoulosJoel Brewster Lewis, and Alejandro H. Morales

Jérôme DuboisStefan Friedl, and Wolfgang Lück

Nguyen Viet Dung

Corey DunnMatthew MillerMax Wakefield, and Sebastian Zwicknagl

Clément Dupont


Charles Egedy

Lawrence Ein and Robert Lazarsfeld

David EisenbudSorin Popescu, and Sergey Yuzvinsky

Briony Eldridge

  • Loop spaces of polyhedral products associated with the polyhedral join product, arXiv:2410.19676.

Eva Elduque

Eva Elduque and Moisés Herradón Cueto

Eva Elduque and Laurentiu Maxim

Meital EliyahuDavid Garber, and Mina Teacher

Meital EliyahuEran LibermanMary Schaps, and Mina Teicher

Benjamin Enriquez and Federico Zerbini

  • Analogues of hyperlogarithm functions on affine complex curves, arXiv:2212.03119

Travis Ens

Nikolay Erokhovets

  • Manifolds realized as orbit spaces of non-free Z2k-actions on real moment-angle manifolds, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 326 (2024). arXiv:2403.00492.
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Mikhail Ershov and Sue He

Pavel EtingofAndré HenriquesJoel Kamnitzer, and Eric Rains

Philippe Eyssidieux


Quentin Faes and Gwénaël Massuyeau

Michael Falk

Michael Falk and Joseph P.S. Kung

  • Algebras and valuations related to the Tutte polynomial, in: Handbook of the Tutte polynomial, Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, 2022. arXiv:1711.08816.

Michael Falk and Nicholas Proudfoot

Michael Falk and Richard Randell

Michael Falk and Sergey Yuzvinsky

Kwai-Man Fan

Eva Maria Feichtner

Eva Maria Feichtner and Sergey Yuzvinsky

Eva Maria Feichtner and Günter Ziegler

Feifei Fan and Xiangjun Wang

Yves Félix and Steve Halperin

Yves FélixSteve Halperin, and Jean-Claude Thomas

Yves FélixJohn Oprea, and Daniel Tanré

Yves Félix and Daniel Tanré

Alexander Fel’shtyn and Evgenij Troitsky

Sam P. Fisher

Sam P. FisherSam Hughes, and Ian J. Leary

Vincent Florens

Vincent FlorensBenoît Guerville-Ballé, and Miguel Ángel Marco Buzunáriz

Amiel FermanTahl NowikRobert Schwartz, and Mina Teicher

Javier Fernández de Bobadilla

Oisín Flynn-Connolly

Robin Frankhuizen

Matthias Franz

Michael H. Freedman

Michael H. FreedmanDavid A. Meyer, and Feng Luo

Stefan Friedl and Laurentiu Maxim

Stefan Friedl and Stefano Vidussi

Greg Friedman

Michael Friedman

Michael Friedman and David Garber

Shinji FukuharaYukio Matsumoto, and Osamu Saeki


Cécile GachetZhining Liu, and Joaquín Moraga

Nir Gadish

  • Letter-linking: bridging combinatorial group theory and topology, arXiv:2308.13635

Giovanni GaiffiFrancesca Mori, and Mario Salvetti

Giovanni GaiffiOscar Papini, and Viola Siconolfi

Giovanni Gaiffi and Mario Salvetti

Fernando Galaz-García and Philipp Reiser

Dan Yan Gan

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Dan Yan Gan and Jian Han Guo

Xin GaoArthur Hebecker, and Daniel Junghans

David Garber and Mina Teicher

David GarberMina Teicher, and Uzi Vishne

Mehdi Garrousian

Irina Gelbukh

Samuel Gitler and Santiago López de Medrano

Vinicio Gómez-Gutiérrez and Santiago López de Medrano

Daciberg GonçalvesJohn Guaschi, and  Oscar Ocampo

Francisco González-Acuña and Arturo Ramírez

Eugene Gorsky and András Némethi

Mark Grant

Vladimir A. Grauman

Jelena Grbić

Jelena Grbić and Abigail Linton

Jelena Grbić and Stephen Theriault

Mikhail Grinberg

Misha Gromov

Vladimir Grujić

Weiqing Gu and Shenjun Jiang

Benoît Guerville-Ballé

Benoît Guerville-Ballé and Juan Viu-Sos

Olivier Guichard

Qiumin GuoWeili GuoWentao Hu, and Guang-feng Jiang

Weili Guo

Weili Guo and Ye Liu

Weili Guo and Michele Torielli


Kazuo Habiro and Gwénaël Massuyeau

Amanda Hager

Yang Han

Yanlong HaoQianwen Sun, and Stephen Theriault

Jonathan A. Hillman

Jonathan A. Hillman and Cherry Kearton

Jonathan A. Hillman and Steven P. Plotnick

Yoshiyuki Hirai

  • Representing homology classes of connected sums of 2-sphere bundles over 2-spheres, Kobe J. Math. 6 (1989), no. 2, 233-240. MR 91f:57020

Kazuki Hiroe and Haru Negami

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Eriko Hironaka

Julian V. S. Holstein

Geoffroy Horel

William Hornslien

Sam Hughes, Claudio Llosa Isenrich, Pierre Py, Matthew Stover, and Stefano Vidussi

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Axel Hultman

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Thomas Hüttemann and Zuhong Zhang


Denis Ibadula and Daniela Anca Macinic

Kiyoshi IgusaGordana Todorov, and Jerzy Weyman

Kouyemon Iriye and Daisuke Kishimoto

Suguru IshibashiSakumi Sugawara, and Masahiko Yoshinaga

Sergey Ivanov and Mikhail G. Katz


Andrei Jaikin-Zapirain

Andrei Jaikin-Zapirain and Ismael Morales

Michel Jambu

Kasia Jankiewicz and Kevin Schreve

Solomon M. Jekel

Guang-feng Jiang and Jian-ming Yu

Jeremiah W. Johnson

Jason Joseph

Luciano Luzzi Junior


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Gesa Kämpf

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Taizo Kanenobu

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Shmuel KaplanEran Liberman, and Mina Teicher

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Mikhail G. Katz

Lukas Katthän

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Louis H. Kauffman and Eiji Ogasa

Yukihito Kawahara

Akio Kawauchi

Vu The Khoi

Hee Jung Kim and Daniel Ruberman

Jee Hyoun KimKi Hyoung Ko, and Hyo Won Park

Jin Hong Kim

Robion Kirby

Daisuke Kishimoto

John R. Klein

Bruno Klingler

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Ki Hyoung KoJoon Hyun La, and Hyo Won Park

Ki Hyoung Ko and Hyo Won Park

Nic KobanJon McCammond, and John Meier

Thomas Koberda

Dessislava H. Kochloukova and Conchita Martínez-Pérez

Dessislava H. Kochloukova and Stefano Vidussi

Dessislava H. Kochloukova and Pavel Zalesskii

Constantinos E. Kofinas

Toshitake Kohno

Toshitake Kohno and Andrei Pajitnov

János Kollár

Rafal KomendarczykRobin Koytcheff, and Ismar Volić

Kevin Kordek

Dieter Kotschick

Dieter Kotschick and Gordana Matić

Peter Kronheimer and Tomasz Mrowka

Robert Kropholler and Claudio Llosa Isenrich

Lukas Kühne and Xavier Roulleau

Akash KumarAdish SinglaYisong Yue, and Yuxin Chen

  • Average-case complexity of teaching convex polytopes via halfspace queries, arXiv:2006.14677.

Joseph P.S. Kung

Katsuhiko Kuribayashi

Max Kutler and Jeremy Usatine

Sławomir Kwasik and Reinhard Schultz


Adam LaClair, Matthew Mastroeni, Jason McCullough, and Irena Peeva

Terry Lawson

Dinh Van Le and Tim Römer

Ian Leary and Müge Saadetoglu

Luis Lechuga and Aniceto Murillo

Peter Lee

Ronnie Lee and Dariusz Wilczynski

Louis-Clément Lefèvre

Constance Leidy and Laurentiu Maxim

Giorgio Leoni

Leonardo Lerer

Jerry Levine and Kent Orr

Fenglin Li and Yongqiang Liu

  • L2-type invariants and cohomology jump loci for smooth complex quasi-projective varieties, arXiv:2110.03356
  • The homology growth for finite abelian covers of smooth quasi-projective varieties, arXiv:2311.11593

Shizhang Li and Dingxin Zhang

Anatoly Libgober

Anatoly Libgober and Sergey Yuzvinsky

Panagiote Ligouras

Paulo Lima-Filho and Hal Schenck

Ivan Limonchenko

Ivan Limonchenko and Dmitry Millionshchikov

Ivan Limonchenko and Grigory Solomadin

Shuo Lin

Paolo Lisca and Andrea Parma

Ye Liu

Ye Liu and Yongqiang Liu

Yongqiang Liu

  • L2-type invariants for complex smooth quasi-projective varieties– a survey, arXiv:2406.12287.

Yongqiang Liu and Yuan Liu

  • Bieri–Neumann–Strebel–Renz invariants and tropical varieties of integral homology jump loci, arXiv:2502.16026.

Yongqiang Liu and Laurentiu Maxim

Yongqiang LiuLaurentiu Maxim, and Botong Wang

Yongqiang Liu and Wentao Xie

  • The homology groups of finite cyclic covering of line arrangement complement, arXiv:2312.10939
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  • Zariski–van Kampen method and monodromy in complexified integrable systems, arXiv:2312.12761.

Claudio Llosa Isenrich

Claudio Llosa Isenrich and Pierre Py

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Clas Löfwall

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Santiago López de Medrano

Bob Lutz


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Mohamad Maassarani

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Anca Daniela Măcinic, Daniel Matei, and Stefan Papadima

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Victor Manero and Miguel Ángel Marco Buzunáriz

Miguel Ángel Marco Buzunáriz

Simon Marshall and Shayne Waldron

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David B. Massey

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Margarida Mendes LopesRita Pardini, and Gian Pietro Pirola

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  • The Formanek-Procesi group with base a right-angled Artin group: Residual nilpotence and Lie algebra, arXiv:2102.05339.

Vasileios Metaftsis and Evagelos Raptis

Aleksandar Milivojević

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Matthew Miller

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  • Fourier transforms and integer homology cobordism, Algebr. Geom. Topol. (to appear), arXiv:2206.07029.

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Shaheen Nazir and Masahiko Yoshinaga

András Némethi

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Christoforos Neofytidis

  • Strongly chiral rational homology spheres with hyperbolic fundamental groups, arXiv:2411.05604.

Francisco Nicolás

Francisco Nicolás and Pierre Py

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Stefan Papadima

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Oscar Papini

Oscar Papini and Mario Salvetti

Luis Paris

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Jorge Vitrio Pereira

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Giovanni Placini

Olga Plamenevskaya and Laura Starkston

Steven P. Plotnick

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Claudio Quadrelli

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  • Componentwise linearity of Stanley-Reisner ring of broken circuit complexes, arXiv:2012.14346.

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Vimala Ramani

Richard Randell

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Philipp Reiser

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  • The Bieri–Neumann–Strebel sets of quasi-projective groups, arXiv:2408.06250

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Mario Salvetti and Matteo Serventi

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Eric Samansky

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Hal Schenck

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Hal Schenck and Stefan Tohaneanu

Helen G. Schroeder

Reinhard Schultz

Hannah Schwartz

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Simona Settepanella

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Dan Silver

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Stanislav Srednyak and Vladimir Khachatryan

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Lewis Stanton and Stephen Theriault

Ralph Strebel

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Dai Tamaki

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Kokoro Tanaka

Darren Tapp

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  • Strongly isospectral hyperbolic 3-manifolds with nonisomorphic rational cohomology rings, arXiv:2111.11454

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Hiroaki Terao and Masahiko Yoshinaga

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Mihai Tibăr

Stefan Tohăneanu

Valerio Toledano Laredo and Yaping Yang

Sercan Topkaya and Ahmet Sinan Cevik

Michele Torielli and Masahiko Yoshinaga

Lorenzo Traldi

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Alvise Trevisan


Yury Ustinovskiy


Federico Venturelli

Yakov Veryovkin

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Juan Viu Sos

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Richard D. Wade

Uli Walther

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KaiHo Tommy Wong

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Baiting Xie and Chenglong Yu


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Vladimir N. Yershov

Masahiko Yoshinaga

Li Yu

Sergey Yuzvinsky


Cesar A. Ipanaque Zapata

Shuang ZhangDong He Pei, and Rui Mei Gao

Yang Zhang

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Qibing Zheng

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Elizaveta Zhuravleva

Hugues Zuber